Published Jul 23, 2014
mag426, ADN, BSN
193 Posts
Sorry in advance if lengthy.
I might not be able to continue onto my second semester of nursing school due to financial balance I owe. (previous posts explain everything) I attend Laboure currently.
My options are pay off balance with cash and not attend school this semester. Problem with this is that I may run into the same issue after spring semester. (I work full time but live on my own (26 y/o f) no options with moving in with parents. I can't obtain private student loan and haven't been able to find a credible cosigner. I have applied to a couple of scholarships and still continue to do so, but I haven't heard anything yet. I even picked up a second job but it's not doing anything to help out towards my balance owed.
I just thought of this what if I attempt to transfer out to another nursing program. Obviously I would need to pay down my balance in full before I can get access to my current transcript. But it will take time, I could be looking at a start date of next year fall the latest with a completely different program. Thats if another school will even accept my fundamentals of nursing and other general classes (a&p, lifespan, etc..)
Would it be even worth it? or should I just have faith and stick it out at Laboure? My mom (lives in FL) is trying her best to figure out away to come up with some of the money. But I only have a short amount of time to pay off, classes start in September and in order for me to get placed in nursing 2 I need to have the balance paid off by the end of this month.
What is a nursing student to do?? P.s. I did very well first semester so I'm not worried about the material/clinicals, I'm prepared to study and put my best effort in as I did this last semester.
Help please any advice welcome. :)
38,333 Posts
I would stick it out with the school where you are, most other schools may pose a problem when trying to transfer, and no school will accept you if you are not in good standing at the present school, to include finances. As you know, they will not release your transcripts with money owed. Go online to check for the Discover student loan program. According to another post on the site, this might be an option for you. If you can not obtain funding, then you will have to withdraw from the school until you can get your finances straight. Best wishes.
@caliotter3 Thanks for the advice.
Yes, I know that they won't release the transcript unless the balance is cleared I mentioned that above. I already tried the Discover student loan no sucess. But yeah I'm still weighing out my options.
Question although why would I have to withdraw? The school didn't mention I would have to, if I was to not take any classes this semester and continue in January.
GCom24, ASN, RN
39 Posts
Try those crowd sourcing sites online. Where you post a cause and people donate money. No joke, you'd be surprised at how giving people are sometimes (and how stingy they can be) but it worth a shot! Best of luck!
Really? Ok il give it a shot. Thank you!