What is your favorite patient??


What is your favorite patient? Is it a medical condition or a specific personality? Little old lady type or a pediatric patient?

I like the kind that are:

happy to be at the hospital,

don't whine about the food or how they don't get everything their way every second,

are polite and sincere,

aren't in your face constantly expecting attention,

aren't hyperactive,

are med- and ward routine-compliant,

don't give you a hassle and pressure you because they think they deserve everything,

are funny,

aren't condescending,

don't pick fights,

are enthusiastic about getting treatment,

don't sit around like lumps all day long,

don't talk at the tops of their voices all the time,

don't ask inappropriate questions or act inappropriately,

understand when you're busy,

don't try to tell you how to do your job,

clean up after themselves,

have good hygiene,

are supportive of other patients, ...

I probably missed something.

I work in a psych hospital, by the way.

I might be a little redundant, but you get the idea.


aren't violent,

aren't self-injuring,

don't have a history of hurting innocent people,


I could go on forever.

I like the kind that are happy to be at the hospital, don't whine about the food or how they don't get everything their way every second, are polite and sincere, aren't in your face constantly expecting attention, aren't hyperactive, are med- and ward routine-compliant, don't give you a hassle and pressure you because they think they deserve everything, are funny, aren't condescending, don't pick fights, are enthusiastic about getting treatment, don't sit around like lumps all day long, don't talk at the tops of their voices all the time, don't ask inappropriate questions or act inappropriately, understand when you're busy, don't try to tell you how to do your job...

I probably missed something.

I work in a psych hospital, by the way.

I might be a little redundant, but you get the idea.

Those folks actually exist??? :chuckle

Those folks actually exist??? :chuckle

Believe it or not, occassionally, yes!

Believe it or not, occassionally, yes!

Even on YOUR floor? :) :) :) YOUR floor is a mega huge challenge! :)

Actually, my favorite patients are (don't slam me for this!!!) little old black men.

I admit it, I love them to pieces. They teach me things I wouldn't learn otherwise. They are sweet, kind, I love them.

Okay, shoot me. I love taking care of little old black men. Noooo, I'm not a bigot or reverse bigot, I simply have had nothing but positive experience with little old black men. They are sweet, kind, they appreciate what I do, and most of all, they teach me things. I adore them, I could make a career out of taking care of them.

Some patients act cuter than others. :p

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