What are the most exciting questions you would like to discuss in the course of the exchan


I know a lot of nurses were participants in international exchange programs.

I want to help the development of the exchange of the nurses in my country, so I need to know the opinion of nurses from different countries. Please answer some of my questions in the topics .And if not difficult for you, please provide your age and country of residence.

Or you can give answers to my questions here: Thank you! it's would be better:)

Thank you in advance!;)

I'm confused, are you are conducting research for a study? Your goal is not transparent and it makes it less likely nurses will participate in your questionaire.

Yes, you're right, it's for my graduation project. My goal is to prove the importance of international exchange of nurses, including proving that communication with colleagues from other countries can solve many urgent problems.

In my country it is not actively operate nurse exchange program.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

I don't think ANY country has an active international nurse exchange. Aside from generalist trained US & Canada most countries have nurse education/training that is country specific. Regulations of nursing practice can vary greatly as to what is within a nurses' scope as "nursing judgement" vs which actions/decisions require physician/provider collaboration. I can't imagine what urgent issues you feel will be solved by an "international exchange of nurses". You can't just cross borders without qualifying for licensing in another country. Many times an internationally educated nurse's qualifications do not meet the country standards. Look at the threads of nurses struggling to qualify for UK, Canada, Australia, NZ and US

There are international speciality associations, the nurses who belong to them meet and exchange ideas during conferences. They also exchange information through their association's website and review practice guidelines in order to develop consesus on best practices internationally.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There is also NANDA-I which is an international nursing organization who's purpose is to define the knowledge of nursing

Welcome to NANDA International - Defining the Knowledge of Nursing

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