What equipment you take with you in the home


I am starting as a PCC home hospice nurse in two weeks. I have done ER and ICU over the years and I am so excited for this new adventure. I don't know much about hospice except my experience in the hospital. Anyone have tips, things you always take with you? My company mails supplies out to the patient so must things I won't need but I am wondering about equipment (like equip to take VS) or anything else I would need. I am used to obviously taking the normal stuff to work stethoscope, scissors, carpijet, hemastats, etc. But what is the typical needs of a visiting nurse. I am thinking binders for paperwork. Any tips and things you feel vital would be a big help. I am sure I will learn the ropes from my mentor but being prepared would be great.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

Take only what you believe you will need. All supplies stay inside the "clean" area of your bag until you need them. Keep a "common area" in your bag for things used each visit, like scissors, stethescope, thermometer, etc, and clean them after each use.

You should spray the outside of your bag with a germicide at least weekly and spray the inside at least quarterly or per your agency's policy.

Hope that helps.

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