What is Christ Hospital S.O.N. Jersey City, NJ acceptable NLN entrance exam?


I recently took the pre entrance NLN nursing exam for the Christ Hospital School of Nursing RN program November 5th 2011. I got my score the same day, but I was just wondering what was an accepatable score for their program is. I did some reasearch and found out some colleges around New Jersey accept students who got above 50% in all three subject areas, which I did, while other's say they accept's students who got above a 70% in the composite score which I also did. It would really help if someone know what the accpetable score is so if I didnt achieve that score I could take the S.A.T. instead since they accept those also. If anyone have any kind of information about this, it would definitly help! Thanks

Specializes in Case Management.

I am an assistant manager at a jersey city group home under an agency name new jersey association of the deaf blind. I work wit deaf and or blind clients who also have a developmental disability. Its a hard but rewarding job and I feel I could contribute more and that's why I want to open up that clinc. So what about yourself...what do you do? And why do you want to become a nurse?...if you don't mind me asking

Wow! That's amazing and you must have incredible patience! God Bless! I've always wanted to be in the healthcare world. I love learning medicine and anything that has to do with that field. Naturally, things didn't go the way I planned and our life's obligations got in my way. I worked for a world investment center in headquartered in Jersey City while I was taking classes to get my pre-reqs. I knew I couldn't manage both so I resigned from my job and started working at a psychiatric hospital in the U.R. department -- since finance is what I knew. OMG! I loved it. My department was like my family. They were RNs and they encouraged me even more to be a nurse and hopefully one day work with them. So from there I've been obtaining my credits and working there until I had two back surgeries and eventually I was laid off from work. So after extensive rehabilitation and will power I decided to do healthcare marketing. I did that for a year and wasn't too thrilled of how the physicians were let's say unprofessional.... With my luck, I was in an accident a couple yrs ago and now I am back to where I was--enormous intolerable pain. I am waiting to be scheduled for surgery but I refuse to let anything get in my way. So here I am today, taking courses at UCC to establish a GPA to get into Trinitas, waiting for NLN PAX RN to post Christ, and anxiously waiting on BCC. Oh did I mention I am frazzled...lol! So nursing to me is more than a professional nurse. I want to reach out and educate people and let them know they are not alone. I am not a soul healer but I listen, have patience, and believe I have the desire and compassion to be an outstanding nurse. Every day I see new reasons why I need to be a nurse.

Specializes in Case Management.

Wow...thats amazing, and now I see where your passion and determination come from, it's definetly spactacular! I truely wish you the absolute best in your health and nursing career, I believe you really want and deserve it! So do you want to specialize in a certain nursing field? Me myself I want to become a NP and open that clinic, however I would also love to work with high school and college students educating them about health and social justice issues (which was something I did as a college student) but right now I just want a chance to get into a nursing program by fall 2012 lol...

You're so sweet! I would like psychiatric nursing but who knows, once were in we might be influenced by some other specialty. I think that's so endearing how you want to give back and inflluencing every person that comes in contact in your life. The sky is the limit! By the way, ditto to your last sentence!! I hear you word for word..lol!

Specializes in Case Management.

Thats crazy because I was gonna ask if that was specialty you may be interested in...and because I want to educate school age children I was thinking about going into school nursing creating health and social justice programs at schools to educate kids, teenagers, young adults and adults about different issues most concerning them in their age group but I heard you have to have an x amount of years of nursing experience before you could be a school nurse, I have to do my research first but thats is probably one of the paths I'm heading in...anyway I'm a just keep heading to the stars in my career and in any case I could always fall back on my social work career i things don't work out....dont worry I'm not getting discouraged, just thinking of a back up plan ;) lol

I have so many back up plans!! LOL.... Good for you I wish you the best today and tomorrow. :D School nurses do need experience and that certificate is also a year. I also heard they want them to have a bachelor's. I saw on NLN that there is a test date available. I am going to register later today.

Specializes in Case Management.

Good luck on your test!!! :-), and yeah I have done some research about school nursing, and rutgers have a certificate program for it and all you need is a BA or BS in anything or at least thats how I read it...lol well anyway if I need the BS in nursing I'll just wait until I get my MSN and do the certificate then...I hope you registered for that test cause seats go fast...I studied for it using the nln pre exam study guide 3rd edition, it was only like $30 on amazon...but good luck again...go get em!!!

Thank you so much! I wish you the best as well!! I did schedule myself to take the test but now I have to figure out a way to miss class cause its on a Wednesday at 5pm. By any chance would you happen to know if we can still go to Christ even if we don't have any credits from Hudson? I have all my pre-reqs done but not from Hudson. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a great and safe evening!:hrnsmlys:

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