Published Aug 17, 2009
9 Posts
I had a resident who had an episode of focal seizures on saturday. He had stroke that resulted in right side paralysis and aphasia before he came to our facility. It started with nose bleed from rt nostril which is not so unusual for him since he is on coumadin except this time it took longer than usual time to stop it. Few hours later he was visited by his daughter and it was reprorted by her that he was having spasm in his rt arm that was followed by tremor and his face really turned red (like he was really straining himslf ). He was sent to ER shortly after and today I found out that he was admitted. I am wondering.. what are the possible causes of this new onset of recurring focal seizures??? Does it have something to do with his stroke history??
nerdtonurse?, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,043 Posts
A focal seizure is just that -- focused in one area. I've seen "seizures" that were nothing but drumming of a little finger, coupled with "absence" seizures. Looked completely freaky, since I'm more used to seeing the gran mal (unfortunately).
It all depends on what site in the brain takes the hit, and how bad it is.
5 Posts
do focal seizures can last for just seconds like 2-3 seconds?