What is the average starting pay of new hire?


Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.


I know this probably has been asked but what is the average new hire pay in your neck of the woods? I live in Maryland but would love to move to Texas, use to live there in the army and loved it! Also what benefits do you get and what exactly do they mean? Just wanted to know which areas get the better pay (but will be taking into account quality of living in each city). Also do BSN grads get payed more? And is there a difference in night/day pay, and which one do you prefer? Thanks (so many questions...sorry lol) :)

Specializes in tele, stepdown/PCU, med/surg.

I know this probably has been asked but what is the average new hire pay in your neck of the woods? QUOTE]

Hey, in the Seattle area, beginning pay is about $20/hr for a new grad working in the hospital. If you work in a nursing home, you make a few dollars more.


It depends greatly on where you live. Go to http://www.salary.com and type in the state and city you are interested in. In California, new grads start at about $26-30/hr, but then again, average home prices are in the mid $400,000s. Most hospitals pay an extra percentage for the shift differentials (for example, 8% over your base pay for pms and 15% over base pay for nocs). I don't get a penny more for my BSN. Good luck in Texas.

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