WGU prelicensure program


Hello everyone,

I am applying to the pre licensure program at WGU, I have everything done already, and I will have my interview with Joe the Prelicensure Team lead on Friday, I am very excited to start the program, but also very afraid and anxious, I really hope I can get in. My counselor said that the next cohort for the Los Angeles area starts in March 2012, so if everything goes well I wil be the happiest person alive if I get in and start in march. Is there anyone applying to this cohort? Does anyone know any other cohort starting earlier? if anyone has any tips for me, what should I do next, or if anyone that is already in the program has any tips, any info will be greatly appreciated!!!

What should I expect regarding the clinicals application, is the emotional intelligence test hard? What about the WGU's foundational nursing skills performance assessment?

Thank you very much in advance!!!

Did you get in? I just got the call yesterday! I was accepted for the CSMC cohort! I am so excited to start!!

Congratulations!!! I haven't received anything yet, hopefully they will call me this week!!!

I just recently finished all my pre-requirements and passed the teas exam.

I am an employee at CSMC and would like to know if the enrollment counselor from WGU gave you or anyone optimistic reviews about getting in to the course due to grades or teas test results?

Also are you finding the program hard to do on your own?

Well, since you work at CSMC is already a big plus because the school have a partnership with the hospital, and in regarding grades and TEAS it is good to have them above average, so that way you have something more than all the other applicants, and I am just finishing my first term and as far as right now everything is going very good, I haven't had any huge difficulties and you always have someone to "hold your hand" in case you need. I really recommend WGU!!! Hope I was able to help :-) Good Luck :-)

I've worked so hard at completing all my Pre-Req. It has taken some time since I work full time and have a family and house to care for, but my counselor has made me feel so miserable because according to her that there are other students who have better scores and grades then me. I thought being an employee might help me with enrollmebt but not so. So it must be that outsiders are favorable no matter if they are not employed by the hospital where cohorts are being held. I think my next phase would have to inquire with the RN education dept.

Well, I had A's and B's on my pre requisites, and a C on chemistry, and my TEAS was 75%. I got in without working at Cedars and no medical experience. Hope that helps, good luck to you :-)

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