Western Health Sciences - Direct Entry MSN - Fall 2013

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I didn't see a thread, so I started one.

I am planning on applying this fall for the Direct Entry MSN program. Anyone else?

How long have you guys been applying?

Rainkissed, I applied to last year's cohort. After being wait listed I felt so in limbo...do I apply to other schools? Take more pre req classes for other schools? Or will it be a waste of time (and money!) if I'm going to get a call at the last minute. It was extremely frustrating. So I applied again and will be applying to several other programs in the coming months....just in case!

Hi all,

I am trying to wait patiently and not call. :/ Do you guys think there will be other dates for interviews, I'm hoping so...

Ricebunny, if you take a peek at last years thread we were notified throughout jan and feb. I really think there will be more dates! Keeping my fingers crossed...

Hey sc24, I also got into APU (Summer 2013 Azusa Campus) and received an interview for Western on the 13th. I too was debating about the interview; however, I do know that Western is much more flexible compared to APU. You only need to be at Western for the first 2 years to take pre-reqs and after you get your RN license, you can return home and do rotations there. But APU does have a great program (they have so many choices, Adult NP, Neonatal NP, Family NP, etc.) but Western only has FNP so that's always something to consider. What semester and campus did you get into for APU? :)

Hi Hb3an,

Thanks for the reply! I got into the Azusa main campus for fall 2013. You're right, Western is definitely flexible but cost is huge factor for me. APU is about half the cost of Western and the BSN portion is only 15 months long. I believe we can take a couple years off after our BSN and pursue the NP portion at our own pace. Although I would love to go to Western, it's just so expensive for me. Which campus did you get into? Good luck :)

Blue, why didn't you apply to more universities last year when you applied to Western?

Hey BlueEyes! I actually did not mention it in my personal statement. That is a great idea though :( wish I would have thought of it lol. But the truth is that I called and asked what I could change about my app and the answer I received was very vague. In fact, she seemed impressed that I had made it onto the alternate list. She also said that it was a matter of when I applied that affected me. I applied 2 weeks before the deadline... But your right I too feel like we deserve at least an interview :) veterans at this app stuff haha nice to see familiar names on the forum though!

Good question! My degree hadn't conferred yet, but I had all of the pre-reqs done. I applied on a whim! In hindsight, I should've applied to more. I was mainly looking in the Southern California area, but have since broadened my horizons!

Hey rainkissedleaves I too applied to last years cohort. I was excited to have made it on the alternate list but I have been on alternate lists for other schools and programs and the wait is torture literally haha at this point I have also considered community colleges for ADN programs that is how bad I want to become a NP I just want to start already. Just want a shot you know?

Ah I see, uce. That's kind of annoying they mentioned it mattered "when" you applied. Especially since they extended it twice last year and once this cycle. A deadline is a deadline. That shouldn't alter anyone's chances...I would think. Don't fret about not mentioning it! It says on our application that we are "re-applicants". I noticed that when checking to make sure all the app materials had been received.

I totally agree that it is literally TORTURE! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! ....not that I have any ;)

Awesome thanks BE85! I agree a deadline is a deadline. This time around though I applied a week after the application opened hoping it would help me out but not looking too good so far haha :). This will probably be my last time applying and if i don't get in at least I will know I tried my best and it wasn't due to "timing" issues.

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