Western Carolina University

Nursing Students SRNA


Just was offered an interview! Anyone else heard back yet?

It's hard to say. Wake Forest seemed really great, but I've heard great things about the other programs too.

Well hopefully you will hear good things from wake! í ½í¸Š Best wishes, and fingers crossed for you!

Thank you. Good luck to you as well

So?? Any news??

Got waitlisted for Wake. But I've been hearing that as people decline acceptance, they're taking people off the wait list. As for WCU. My interview is June 23rd

Hopefully you hear from Wake so you get to go to your top choice! However, if not hopefully we can both get into WCU!

Anyone hear yet? Found out this afternoon I got excepted!

Hello future classmates! So excited!

I'm in too. We should make a facebook group and try to get everyone to join.

Where you all from?

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