Published Jul 28, 2010
34 Posts
Ok, so i have a question to those of you that are already nurses and/or currently going to school for it. Are there any of you out there that wanted to teach college (get your masters in any subject, lets say anthropology for now, and teach college) or were a teacher at a college but decided to leave that career to do nursing? Alot of people on this site say that you shouldn't think about the money when you go into a career, but i believe it is a very important part of it all. If you can't pay your student loans and feed yourself and put a roof over your head, there is a problem. So, i just want to know from those that went through the teaching thing and changed to nursing. Is it because the money wasn't enough to make ends meet? You hear teaching even with a masters degree at a community college you make what like 34,000? i don't know, any insight? thanks guys
Stcroix, ASN, PhD, RN
450 Posts
I earned a PhD in a life science quite some time ago. I did some teaching/ research at a state university up north. The starting pay was less than what the average high school teacher made at the time. However, the prospect of future pay was very good if you wanted to stay with it. It turned out teaching wasn't for me, I am more of a do-er than a teacher. I went into the private sector and did well. The time came for a career change and I am now in nursing school, not for the money, but because I am sure it will suit me. I think the answer to your dilemma is to be honest with yourself and think about what you want to do! Sure, you have to pay the bills, but take it from me, if you aren't happy with what you are doing, you aren't anywhere. Hope this helps some
Good luck