Wellness programs for nurses


Hi everyone,

I work for an employee wellness program in a hospital and we are always looking for new ways to reach the special population that is nursing. We have tried searching the internet for new and innovative ideas, but the only things that come up are health and wellness programs that nurses and do with patients.

If you have any ideas on how a program like the one I work with could get nurses more physically active, eating healthier foods, smoking less, coping with stress better, etc., I would REALLY appreciate it! I am not a nurse, so I thought that posting on a board like this might be a good way to get some ideas from the target population!

Thank You.


Specializes in Wellness Coach, ICU, PACU, OR, Mgmt.

I can provide information, but please contact me off forum at [email protected]

Kim Ellis RN, BA

Health & Wellness Coach

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