

Can anyone who has taken or given Wellbutrin to patients please tell me about it. The search I did was too general. What is it given for? How does it differ from the SSRI's like Paxil? What kind of results have you seen and how long have they taken to come about? Does it cause any weight changes-loss or gain? Has anyone heard of it used for opiate withdrawal. If so, what would it do exaclty to help? Any information would be helpful. Thanks. Krisssy

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Can anyone who has taken or given Wellbutrin to patients please tell me about it. The search I did was too general. What is it given for? How does it differ from the SSRI's like Paxil? What kind of results have you seen and how long have they taken to come about? Does it cause any weight changes-loss or gain? Has anyone heard of it used for opiate withdrawal. If so, what would it do exaclty to help? Any information would be helpful. Thanks. Krisssy

When I was a pharmacy tech, I saw many patients on it for smoking cessation. Others for depression. I myself was on it for a few months for PTSD along with another drug and it made me less hungry than usual. I took Wellbutrin SR

Do you know what exactly it does to help stop smoking and to help in narcotic withdrawal? Did you lose a lot of weight? Did it help your patients stop smoking and if so how? Less of a compulsion or the cigarettes didn't relax them in the same way or what? I am trying to figure out how this drug works?

Wellbutrin is a Norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, unlike SSRI which inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. It can be used for smoking cessation, depression, ADHD....

Because of its quality to effect dopamine, a neurotransmitter that effects an area that makes you feel euphoric, it can be helpful in decreasing the wants of highly pleasurable activities such as smoking. It can decrease the craving that someone has to smoke. There are many studies that have shown some weight loss while taking the drug and it is given to help with weight gain.

Wellbutrin is a very good, multipurpose medication that can be given in different cases.

The length of time you take the drug depends upon what it is for. In depression, research states that you should be on the medication for months after you have stopped the depressive symptoms to make sure you do not relapse.

Psych Rich, So are you saying that Wellbutrin will make one feel euphoric so that they won't need cigarettes or opiates? If studies show it causes weight loss, why is it given to people to gain weight? Krisssy I have been told on this site that no question is stupid lol

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

I've been on it for years, and it hasn't affected my weight one way or the other, but I do know that lots of antidepressants have different effects on users' weight. For one thing, if your depression manifests itself in either over or under eating, it makes sense that if your mood is stabilized, so will be your appetite. For another, eating disorders themselves typically have emotional roots, so the effect of Wellbutrin may be a side effect.

Does it make you feel euphoric in anyway?

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

It shouldn't make you feel euphoric. Given at the right dosage, it should stabilize your mood. Things that would typically make you happy, should, and things that are depressing will still make you feel sad.

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