Weighing the choices....


Specializes in Telemetry.

So the director I interviewed with is supposed to be calling me back this afternoon and when I interviewed it did go very well, and I'm expecting (hoping!) he will offer the job. He did say to me that he tells everyone he interviews to be able to tell him when he calls back if I shouldn't get the position do I want a different dept at that hospital, or do I want ER because he knows most of the ER directors in the metropolitan area, and could help direct me. So I'm caught between this: I really want ER. However the hospital I interviewed with is closest to my home, if I went somewhere else I would probably have a 30-40 min drive to add on, as opposed to 10 minutes from home. I could be happy in other areas-L&D always was my 2nd choice. But if I chose to go there to start and have the hopes of ending up in the ER, I won't be using all of my skills, as you usually aren't dealing with "sick" people. But I would really love it, as well, I know. My 3rd choice is ICU- that would probably be better if I intend to take another position in a different unit and then hopefully transfer into the ER.

What would be best as a new grad- get the specialty I really want but drive farther, or accept a 2nd or 3rd choice position in the closer hospital?

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