Published Feb 23, 2008
137 Posts
My school just moved the nursing application from May all the way to December
I don't have some of my prereqs done, and I was wondering if any of you have taken A+P or Microbiology during the summer 8-week courses. How was it?
847 Posts
ALL my pre reqs at our school, AP I and II and Micro included, are all 4 weeks in length. It is doable, it is very challenging and will push you to the edge but completely possible. I made A's in all of them so, it can be done..I am no brain, just study really hard..
Wow - was that the only class you took during that 4-week period? I'm assuming you guys met 6 hours 4 times a week? That's crazy!
The classes are one at a time, the non-science Gen eds were 3 days a week for 4-5 hours a day. The science, AP I and II, and Micro were 5 days a week for 5 hours a day. The University I go to calls them modular classes. It is really nice only having to focus on 1 subject at a time. I started my pre reqs for my Associates RN in May of last year, had to do 8, and had them all completed in, you guessed it, 8 months. Our school has 14 campuses throughout Florida and they do them all the same way. It is "unique" to a lot of people, but once you do it, I don't think you could sit through a 3-4 month class.
GOOD LUCK with your studies
175 Posts
My school does this for A&P I, I am thinking about taking it but it makes me a bit nervous to think of taking in info in 4 weeks that is usually taught in 16-18 weeks. It would meet 4 days a week for 3 hours and 3 hour labs 2 days a week. I do believe it can definietly be done though and if you decide to go with it best of luck!