WCCCD Psych rotation, Eastside


Hi Everyone. Congratz to us! I was one of the last people called for the lottery on Monday. :down: They ran out of rotations & Ms. B said she'd notify us when they found a site/instructor. I got a call from the nursing office today. It is on M & T from 4p-9p at the Circle of Life Hospital, 15000 Gratiot, Detroit 48205. Instructor is Mary Williams. It's WAY far for me--especially in the ice & snow. If anyone is interested in switching, please post or pm me.



Hi Everyone. Congratz to us! I was one of the last people called for the lottery on Monday. :down: They ran out of rotations & Ms. B said she'd notify us when they found a site/instructor. I got a call from the nursing office today. It is on M & T from 4p-9p at the Circle of Life Hospital, 15000 Gratiot, Detroit 48205. Instructor is Mary Williams. It's WAY far for me--especially in the ice & snow. If anyone is interested in switching, please post or pm me.



You may be surprised. Might be a blessing is disguise. For my OB rotation, I was bummed that I had to drive 40 miles one way to be at the hospital (Moross) at 6:30AM on a Saturday. I figured it was only 7 weeks out of my life. It turned out to be one the best clinical experiences for me......but sorry, don't want to switch (you can smack me later) I can't pass up being 4 miles from my house:trout:. Do you have word in at the nursing office? I am not sure how that would work.

I wonder how many people were there? They ran out of clinicals?

Thanks D,

I truly believe things happen for a reason, although I'd prefer my blessing to be a little closer, especially at this time of year. ;) I've left a note w/the nursing office but...

It's a small group--6 of us. I was hoping they'd add on that day shift they cancelled. Oh well. I know I can do it. I know there's a reason. I'm now praying my hooptie can handle it.

I had told A "not to let me find a boyfriend" on this rotation...lol. Now, with the "long-distance" factor, that will never happen. :clown: See? I'm looking at the bright side. ROTFLMAO

Merry Christmas,


So, your blessing is ME!

Update to those who care: They shut my clinical down at 6 people, so people 7 and 8 were kicked out. They placed me at Circle of Life. Remember all that BS I preached about blessing is disguise.....he,he,he. Since my hubby has to work afternoons on Mondays, my parents are going to help with the kids for Monday evening. They said the kids could stay thru the night so I could study when I get home on Monday nights....are they serious? My parents, boy I tell ya. I hope I could be half the parents they are to me.....love em!

T, I do have to take 94 all the way in. Can you say 37 miles one way? Yeah, that is me! So, that meeting place we talked about will be perfect. Are you ready to do this?!?!? I am making some drug cards for psycotrophic(sp?) drugs, etc. I will start studying after my vacation this weekend.

So, your blessing is ME!

Update to those who care: They shut my clinical down at 6 people, so people 7 and 8 were kicked out. They placed me at Circle of Life. Remember all that BS I preached about blessing is disguise.....he,he,he. Since my hubby has to work afternoons on Mondays, my parents are going to help with the kids for Monday evening. They said the kids could stay thru the night so I could study when I get home on Monday nights....are they serious? My parents, boy I tell ya. I hope I could be half the parents they are to me.....love em!

T, I do have to take 94 all the way in. Can you say 37 miles one way? Yeah, that is me! So, that meeting place we talked about will be perfect. Are you ready to do this?!?!? I am making some drug cards for psycotrophic(sp?) drugs, etc. I will start studying after my vacation this weekend.

My sister (WCCCD Nurse Grad '05) works there and she loves it. Hope it works out for you guys!!

My sister (WCCCD Nurse Grad '05) works there and she loves it. Hope it works out for you guys!!

Thanks Missgigius, I don't know about D, but I appreciate hearing that.

See D, like you said, :trout: it's already a blessing. YOU are going to be there w/me & we are going to ride together!

Yikes, warning! warning!--I am a smoker. :angryfire Now I am freaking out over that... :uhoh3: Please tell me that won't be a problem. I promise not to smoke you out but that's a looooooooonnnnnnnnng drive w/o a cigarette. :trout:

Thanks Missgigius, I don't know about D, but I appreciate hearing that.

See D, like you said, :trout: it's already a blessing. YOU are going to be there w/me & we are going to ride together!

Yikes, warning! warning!--I am a smoker. :angryfire Now I am freaking out over that... :uhoh3: Please tell me that won't be a problem. I promise not to smoke you out but that's a looooooooonnnnnnnnng drive w/o a cigarette. :trout:

NURSE T!!!!:uhoh3:

I have no problem in your car, but my NEW car smells like flowers!! It dosen't even smell like McDonalds..;) Would that be a problem for you? I promise to drive really fast to get you there and not freak you out. Will it work? Will it work?

I tried to PM you but your box it full.

NURSE T!!!!:uhoh3:

I have no problem in your car, but my NEW car smells like flowers!! It dosen't even smell like McDonalds..;) Would that be a problem for you? I promise to drive really fast to get you there and not freak you out. Will it work? Will it work?

I tried to PM you but your box it full.

Of Course it will work. I will make it work! :trout: What's one more hour? I hate to tell ya but my car smells like an ashtray. :o

:idea: Maybe I will quit for the new year. (wow, I can't imagine but gonna try.)

(emptied my box :trout:)

I'll be talking to you! Thanks D.

"I hate to tell ya but my car smells like an ashtray. :o" Oh my gawd....I am gonna "catch" COPD!!! My poor lungs..:eek: We will work it out.

We just got back from a little getaway from Castaway bay. My son walked in and asked, "Are we in Cancun?" I was so nice to get away even if it is only 90 miles away from home. We kept the kids up late so we sould sleep in. Can you believe I slept in till 9:30AM? I felt so naughty....

Okay, we will talk before the 14th.

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