Published May 19, 2018
7 Posts
I was accepted into the ADN program for Fall 2018. I'm extremely nervous and I'm not sure what to expect. Is anyone currently in the ADN program or graduated from Wayne that could off me some incite on how the program is? I have tons for questions and would love a nursing mentor if possible.
dianah, ASN
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I hope you can connect with other potential classmates.
2 Posts
Hey, Trustjess
I'm a current LPN student at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro. You will be perfectly fine as long as you stay organized and study, study, study. The LPN class also have some of the same instructors as the ADN class. ( They are great!!!)
Thank you for replying S.0714. I'm extremely nervous as you can imagine. I'm trying to get myself and my house organized at the moment so ill be able to hit the books hard. Where did you get your books? Did you buy or rent? Do you know anyone that has completed in the ADN program? Anything else you would recommend me do to prepare for my first semester? Thank you again. I appreciate it.
Unless things change, the books are e-books. So, I had no choice but to buy them at the school bookstore. After buying the e books, some of my classmates bought the hard copies on Amazon. The ebooks are @ $1500 for the ADN program. There isn't anything I would do but enjoy your family until class start, but get your supplies together (for clinicals).
4 Posts
On 7/3/2018 at 9:36 PM, S.0714 said: Hey, Trustjess I'm a current LPN student at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro. You will be perfectly fine as long as you stay organized and study, study, study. The LPN class also have some of the same instructors as the ADN class. ( They are great!)
I'm a current LPN student at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro. You will be perfectly fine as long as you stay organized and study, study, study. The LPN class also have some of the same instructors as the ADN class. ( They are great!)
Hi, I’m recently applying to their program. What was your point total? Thanks!