Published Oct 28, 2011
416 Posts
Is anyone in this program, has applied, or graduated from it? I want some feedback about the program. Just heard about it and am interested. What's their criteria? If anyone has went there, how was your experience? Thanks
2 Posts
I have applied for this upcoming Spring 2012 term. So far I am hearing good things about them. The people that I have spoke with says its a good program. I applied as a generic student but they have a big focus on their RN to BSN and LVN to BSN programs.
oh ok, did you decide to do the online or go to the campus?
9 Posts
Hi, I am wondering if you got accepted to the BSN program also.
I recently applied and am being considered for the bsn online. The deadline is September I believe, not sure. I am accepted to the school, but I most likely will not be attending due to financial difficulties. So it just really depends. The online program costs more though
I recently graduated from the program. I was the 5th class to graduate from the program. Overall the program has ups and downs! There are very good teachers who want the students to learn. There are also teacher's who do not belong at this program.
Overall very good experience!