Watts School of Nursing June

U.S.A. North Carolina


Wanted to see who else is going to Watts (Mt Olive) starting in June. I just got my acceptance letter today! Wondering who my fellow classmates will be!

Tar - you suck!! I need new boots!!! And I need to go hiking! I'm like freaking about

being all divided up...especially alphabetically...what about grades and study styles and age??? Do you think our old study group can get together again?

AAAAANNNNNDDD 9 failed? Are you kidding me? What are we getting into?

Jeep - you need to come to FB...although, this site is "safe", but FB is so


Keyna....Grades and Study Styles and ages???? Nobody gives a hoot about grades now...The study styles are for your own good, they don't benefit anyone else but you and why would age matter. We're a pretty age diverse group, so the chances of like being with like are slim. They might not do the alphabet thing, but two other classes did, so that probably will happen also...Who knows... I don't know who will be in your group..A.....Maybe Tammy, not sure. Jessica?

Don't sweat it. Go hiking!!!!!

I need to go hiking too!!!!!!! Wait for me!!!!!!

Yeah Keyna, you could be stuck with me!!!!!! :yeah:

i don't like this new site!!!

hey jeepy - holidays were good. we were in ohio and it was chilly!!!! glad to be home now. getting started on the annual dahnke NYE festivities...homemade sushi and a movie.

hope everyone has a great, safe night. 2012 is going to be a wild one, i am sure!

Happy New Year!!!!!

wow, you guys are really really pushing me to FB :(

hey jeep! long time no see :)

hi jenni! yeah just hanging out here at allnurses all by myself...

awwwwwww, poor jeepy..................

you ought to get on fb......then you wouldn't be soooooooo lonely :)

:( sniff... i know, i know...
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