Published Jun 22, 2005
247 Posts
I just wanted to relate something that happened to me recently. I was accepted into the nursing program and had to have the the necessary health test prior to entry into the fall semester. I had the usual skin test for TB and since I had never had the chicken pox, the doctor gave me the vaccination for that on the same day.
Well, I took the results of my TB test to my school. The results were negative. The nurse who reviewed my results told me, however, that I would need a chest X-ray because I had received a live vaccine(for chicken pox) on the same day as the TB test. The nurse said that many doctors are not aware of this fact.
Live vaccinations will cause a false negative TB test.
Just wanted to let you know so no one else will have to spend money and time on an X-ray that is not needed.
106 Posts
Can't you get the Tb test redone? It seems like a cheaper and easier alternative to an X-Ray. Good to know though. I got my tetorifice with the Tb and had to go somewhere else for chicken pox but I think if I hadn't had the varicella titer that day my doctor would have done the same thing.
I suggested the same thing, but the nurse said I would need the X-ray because I had just had the shot the previous week.