Want to hear from someone who does hiring...


Hello, all-

In the next year I will have a BS in Nutritional sciences. I have decided to move into nursing, I am confident in this decision and my goal is to become a NursePractitioner . I am weighing my options between ABSN programs/direct-entry nursing. I am very driven and self-motivated and I am confident that I could succeed in either program. But, being someone who lack reliable family financial support, I want to know that my background will be marketable when I graduate from nursing school. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Sorry to disappoint you, but non-nursing education and background is really not considered - basically, all new grads are treated in a similar manner. The only exception is previous health care experience as an LV/PN, ORT, etc. I would also advise you to carefully investigate the disposition of ABSNs in your area. Hiring managers in my organization are avoiding them due to previous negative experiences with lack of clinical experience and problems adjusting to programs designed for new grads.

Good luck on your career change.

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