Want to go to nursing school


I want to go to nursing school but i'm not sure of my options. Does anyone have advice or anything that can help me?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Welcome to AN.com, Strangely629!

As Lewis Carroll said, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there".

In other words, I could some more information before I can give you any possible options or anything: Where are you right now in your life? What is your experience? Why are you considering nursing as a profession? What are you interested in?

There's a search option at the bottom of each forum's page where you can put in words such as "nursing school options, questions" and the like in order to gain information.

Good luck, Strangely629!

Bienvenido Abordo!

Give us more. But while you come up with fact-filled post answering our queries, such as bellybuttons or, well, the other end: everyone has an opinion: My advice would be to become a nursing assistant first and get a feel for it all before you spend the money, use the time and suffer through nursing school. Others may disagree, but there are so many newer nurses who come on here telling us all about how much they hate their job, it's nothing like they thought it would be or they're too stressed out.

Explore your world in the meantime- go check out schools in your area with nursing programs and have a chat about what to do.

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