Published Jan 31, 2011
3 Posts
Hello everyone... Im a new member here in Allnurses but I usually read the discussions here. Now im needing ur advice.
Im planning to continue my education. I am a foreign BSN grad, took licensure here in USA and worked for 2 years as a nurse here in TX already. I have PCU and Med/SUrg experience. I would like to go for my masters. what is the best? I tried to apply NP but got denied and then I realized i really want to be CRNA. I have no ICU experience yet though. In my mind, should i just go for MSN Nurse Educator? Or MSN Hx System Leadership? Or any other suggestion?
Everyone is welcome to give your opinion. THank you.
1,216 Posts
What about the diabetic educator-diabetes is a major concern in the US.
230 Posts
Why did you get denied in an NP program? CRNA programs are tougher to get in and a more difficult curriculum, at least in NY. CRNA is definitely not for everyone...
It sounds like you definitely need ICU experience so I recommend transferring into an ICU as soon as possible.
In the meantime, start checking out all the Masters Level programs that you are considering. It is likely that there are some courses that overlap (nursing theory, etc). Perhaps you could take those courses while you get your feet wet in the ICU. The last time I looked CRNA programs here required 2 years of ICU experience as a prerequisite to CRNA application.
I wish you the best of luck in finding the right program.
I wanted NP online and maybe there were tons of applicants that time. Im just a new RN, so maybe they prioritized those with more experience.
Yah, same here. 2 years experience for CRNA. Im working on it, hopefully I can find an internship for ICU.
255 Posts
There are programs that will take one year ICU for CRNA. You won't truly know what you enjoy until you get into it. Nice thing about nursing is you can change your mind. Doesn't take much to go NP to education or any other field (except anesthesia, thats a minimum 27 no matter what). Can do post masters in other fields though to change specialty. Post master exists in anesthesia, but the time line is the same, you just don't take any of the general nursing classes during it. I would personally recommend you start with something else whle you apply for CRNA, if that is what you want. Will look good on your app.