Wallace state spring 18

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone on here applying for the Spring? What points do you have?

I just applied ADN and I will be completely finished with prerequisite after this semester

I'll be done with mine this sem too

So do you guys really think we have a shot of getting in since the deadline was extended? Does the extended deadline means there wasnt enough applicants? As you can see I'm sooo nervous and really want to get in...

From what I have heard that means they needed more

Someone said they mailed the letters yesterday so if anyone gets one let us know!

Wow Really!!!! That was fast. I've been watching their Facebook page hoping they will post something. Fingers crossed!!!

I got mine today and I got in!

Woohoo!!! Congratulations!!!! You applied with 35 points right!!!

Thank you and yes I did!


I am out of town and can't wait to get home to check the mail. I'm a nervous wreck. Can you give some insight on how your packet looked? Thin, thick, color etc...

Just made it home, checked the mailbox, and I am in!!!! Prayers answered!!!!

Ash_ aspiringnurse you have to be in...

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