Walden University or University of South Carolina - Which FNP school?

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi. I live in South Carolina. I am planning on starting my first class on April 8 at Walden University. But now I have been thinking about Univeristy of South Carolina. I am really concerned about finding clinical locations with Walden Univeristy. I was wondering would University of South Carolina would be more helpful with clinical locations. If anyone has any words of wisdom, I would greatly appreciate it.

Specializes in Psychiatric and Mental Health NP (PMHNP).

You need to talk to someone at Univ of South Carolina.  Walden is one of the for-profit diploma mills.

Walden University makes me nervous. I was accepted into Anderson University in SC. And still waiting on a response from University of South Carolina. 

Specializes in Postpartum/Public Health.

It's great that you're considering your options for your nursing education. Choosing the right university is crucial, especially when it comes to finding clinical placements.

From what I understand, local universities like the University of South Carolina might have stronger relationships with nearby healthcare facilities, potentially making it easier to secure clinical locations. They often have established networks and partnerships within the community which can be a significant advantage.

Walden University, being primarily an online institution, might present more challenges in arranging local clinical placements, as you've noted. However, they might also have resources to assist with placement.

Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your specific needs, preferences, and the type of support you're looking for. It might also be worth reaching out directly to both universities to inquire about their clinical placement support services.

Good luck with your decision!

AllNurses has been posting a lot of articles about NP programs in different states, so keep you eyes out for one maybe about South Carolina. For now, here's an article about the best FNP programs in the USA: 11 Best Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Programs in 2024 - Nursing Degree Programs (allnurses.com)

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