waiting on acceptance letter from suscc for fall 2016 RN program


I recently applied to nursing program at southern union the March 1st deadline. Has anyone received any letter of acceptance or rejection yet??

I recently applied as well and have been waiting on someone else to reply about the program. I haven't received any letter yet. Does anyone know of the cut off this year?

I have also applied for Fall 2016, and have not received a letter yet! Super nervous. What was your score?

I've heard that from previous years the cut off has been around 120 so I'm not sure

I'm nervous as well!! I have 129 points so it's up in the air for me but I'm applying at Cvcc on the 29th and they convert points from your teas score so I'll have a better chance there. How many pounts do you have?

I have 133. The cut off last semester was 132, but it's different every semester so hopefully this semester it won't be so high. I wish they would hurry and send the letters out all ready. this is making me a nervous wreak í ½í¸£

I have a score of 127, I'm nervous to. I currently attend CVCC and normally our cut off is around 148. Which is about 20+ points more than SUSCC cut off.. I'm kind of hoping to get into SUSCC.

Spring 2016 cut of was 122 and Fall 2015 cut of was 132 for SUSCC. I called last week and was told after the 1st letters would be sent out but that really doesn't give us any clarification of exactly when. This is the worse part waiting for letters.

Well hopefully they'll be sent out tomorrow, if they haven't already.

Hopefully they will be. I may call tomorrow, my patients have ran thin and I just want to know if I'm accepted or not. I know there is more than 3 of us that has applied to the program for Fall 16 normally there are more responses.

Also if you receive your letter before we do let us know and I also will let you all know any information I find out as well or if I get my letter..

If you call let me know what they say! And yes I'll let y'all know as soon as I receive my letter, y'all do the same!

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