Published Jun 26, 2011
1 Post
I'm an RN with Von Willebrands type 3 bleeding disorder. I was just wondering if there were any other nurses on here with this and if it has affected your career as a nurse. I have been having some small issues with a joint bleed a few months ago and I'm hoping this isn't thing to be a battle. I am very dedicated to doing my best and hate something like this throwing ruts in my path. I also work in a 60 bed ER which sees around 230/day.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
You can also try posting this in the disability's hard whena wrench is thrown into your plans. You can always becime an ED educator or case worker when or IF yoiu need to abuse your system less. My prayers for you to be well.....xo