Published Sep 2, 2012
1 Post
Does anybody have any information as how to go about getting information about volunteering internationally as a nursing student?
I am a first year LPN student, thinking about how to broaden my experience other then practicums. I would like to do the volunteer work during summer break (I know its a long time away, but I would like some information now so I have time to decide if it would be right for me)
Thank you all :)
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Have you tried Googling it? I did and I found lots of sites with information on such a thing.Maybe check with your school as well. A couple of girls in my class did a trip organized by the school.
246 Posts
Theres tons of oppritunites out their to volunteer however you'll probably be footing the bill for your stay so if you're okay with that then it's a simple google search away.