Volunteer Links!


As promised! Here are some great volunteer links that I used when I was applying for nursing school, volunteering is a great way to show your commitment to the field! These are pre-set to residents of SB county but can also be changed hope this helps!

If you are looking for volunteering but can’t make the time commitment per week this link is for you! It has plenty of options that are one day or a few days commitment:

https://www.volunteermatch.org/search?l=San Bernardino, CA, USA

Now if you want to get a little more hands on and get into a hospital this link will show hospitals near you that are looking for volunteers! I did some hospital volunteering and learned so much in the process! Most hospitals do however, want a weekly commitment if this is for you click below:


Lastly! Check the nursing schools that you are interested in! Most schools have plenty of single volunteer opportunities that can connect you to teachers and students you never know, a nursing recruiter could be there! It looks amazing on applications!

For any more pre-nursing or nurse related content check out my page! 

Like always, much love.


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