how to volunteer for the aftermath of Katrina


I'm an RN in South Florida and am trying to get info on how to offer my nursing services over there as a volunteer. I'm trying to find out if there are any plans to organize groups of nurses to send as volunteers. I am a single woman and have the ability to leave and take a couple of weeks off from work using vacation time to assist with those in need of help. If anyone has any information which may point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it greatly. I can't keep sitting here watching the devistation with tears in my eyes, feeling so helpless. My prayers are with all those who have been affected by this catostrophic disaster. Stay safe and God Bless

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

You could probly contact your local red cross and they may be able to put you in contact with someone.

You could probly contact your local red cross and they may be able to put you in contact with someone.
thanks so much for your help :)
I'm an RN in South Florida and am trying to get info on how to offer my nursing services over there as a volunteer. I'm trying to find out if there are any plans to organize groups of nurses to send as volunteers. I am a single woman and have the ability to leave and take a couple of weeks off from work using vacation time to assist with those in need of help. If anyone has any information which may point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it greatly. I can't keep sitting here watching the devistation with tears in my eyes, feeling so helpless. My prayers are with all those who have been affected by this catostrophic disaster. Stay safe and God Bless

The Red Cross is a good way, however, it won't happen right away. They have to put you through training first.

Our hospital has a group of MD's who regularly form a group to go to third world countries. But that does not help either.

Maybe contact the fire fighters who are going.

Or just contact the Office of Home Security and let them know you are available.

Another idea is to open your home up to some of the "refugees" for three months or so. I have sent an email to FOX NEWS asking if anyone has started organizing homes to help put these people up. Some of them have kids that need to be in school for these months that they will be displaced.

I'm an RN in South Florida and am trying to get info on how to offer my nursing services over there as a volunteer. I'm trying to find out if there are any plans to organize groups of nurses to send as volunteers. I am a single woman and have the ability to leave and take a couple of weeks off from work using vacation time to assist with those in need of help. If anyone has any information which may point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it greatly. I can't keep sitting here watching the devistation with tears in my eyes, feeling so helpless. My prayers are with all those who have been affected by this catostrophic disaster. Stay safe and God Bless

Health dept needs licensed medical professionals:


Here is some info I gathered . Hope this helps.

Not sure if this number has already been posted, haven't had time to read this thread since I started. I have been working at the local shelter set up in my city and am about to go back. Watching the local news and just saw this number flash on the bottom of the screen.

Thanks for any help.

As a 15 year vet of Disaster relief ops with several organizations, I have some points you might consider.

License issues are handled by exceptions built into most states Nurse Practice Acts specifically for emergency use. It's also been noted that FEMA is a federal agency, and like the VA, all that is required is a valid license from ANY state. While the American Red Cross is not a government agency, it was chartered by the US congress and that carries certain quasi-governmental benefits.

Please do not go to the disaster area unless you are affiliated with one of the agencies mentioned in this thread. An earnest desire to help often results in spontaneous volunteers getting in the way more than providing actual aid.

Cash, even a little bit, is by far the best thing you can send to relief agencies. It doesn't rot, it doesn't need trucks to carry it around, it doesn't need to be warehoused, and best of all, it allows agencies the flexibility to deliver exactly the needed aid at the needed time.

Also very important. If you cannot go to this one. THERE WILL BE MORE!!! I promise that this is not going to be the last major disaster to befall America. Soooo, when the next one happens, will you be ready to help? Call your local Red Cross NOW and start the process of becoming a trained disaster volunteer. Nurses may want to ask specifically about volunteering in the Disaster Health Services function. Find your local chapter at

LA Nursing Board is coordinating with the other state boards for volunteers. You are to contact your local Board of Nursing who will verify your license/certification status per the National Disaster plan and forward a list of Volunteers to LA Board of Nursing.

Please do not overwhelm LA Board of Nursing with individual calls of offers to volunteer.

The LA Board of Nursing does not have the time to do license checks on nurses who call them from out of state.

Found the following links on another site I frequent:


For anyone looking to help, the Federal Emergency Management Agency lists these organizations for those seeking to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina:

To donate cash

American Red Cross (800) HELP NOW (435-7669)

Operation Blessing (800) 436-6348

America's Second Harvest (800) 344-8070

To donate cash or volunteer

Adventist Community Services (800) 381-7171

Catholic Charities, USA (703) 549-1390

Christian Disaster Response (941) 956-5183 or (941) 551-9554

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (800) 848-5818

Church World Service (800) 297-1516

Convoy of Hope (417) 823-8998

Lutheran Disaster Response (800) 638-3522

Mennonite Disaster Service (717) 859-2210

Nazarene Disaster Response (888) 256-5886

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (800) 872-3283

Salvation Army (800) SAL-ARMY (725-2769)

Southern Baptist Convention -- Disaster Relief (800) 462-8657, ext. 6133

United Methodist Committee on Relief (800) 554-8583

Volunteer Nurses Needed for Hurricane Emergency!

We hope that you and your family have weathered the hurricane safely! Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Many have not been as lucky as we have. The LA-OEP (Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness) is requesting healthcare volunteers. This includes ALL levels of nursing expertise. If you and your family are safe, please volunteer - there is a tremendous need for nurses. Call 225-389-2100 and ask for "Medical". They are expecting your call. If the line is busy, please keep calling.

Please pass this on to anyone you think may be of help. Thank you!


ANA's Bioterrorism and Disaster Response for Hurricane Katrina

has more info on volunteer opportunities.


Louisiana State Board of Nursing

P.S.: If you can't volunteer, donating blood would be a great idea. Everything in hospitals in New Orleans will need to be replaced. Great increase in accidents post storm during cleanup too.

Locate Red Cross blood drives:


"The sky's the limit if your heart is in it."

Specializes in floor to ICU.
I'm an RN in South Florida and am trying to get info on how to offer my nursing services over there as a volunteer. I'm trying to find out if there are any plans to organize groups of nurses to send as volunteers. I am a single woman and have the ability to leave and take a couple of weeks off from work using vacation time to assist with those in need of help. If anyone has any information which may point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it greatly. I can't keep sitting here watching the devistation with tears in my eyes, feeling so helpless. My prayers are with all those who have been affected by this catostrophic disaster. Stay safe and God Bless


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