Visitors/family with bad odors

Specialties NICU


Any advice on dealing with a dad who comes into the NICU reeking of cigarette smoke and BO to sit next to his kid? Its enough to make us gag and the other moms don't appreciate it (neither do the babies, I'm sure). I've used deodorizing spray. I take it I have no right to politely ask him to take a shower and wash his clothes..?

Specializes in ICU.

I'm glad I could entertain you but I work PRN in the NICU as well as working in the adult ICU. I'm also glad to see you've survived being near stinky people to initiate kangaroo care without developing any life threatening illnesses.

Specializes in NICU.

There is a distinction between "stinky" people and people who smell like smoke. The former doesn't bother me. The latter, yes because of potential health hazards.

In any case, if you think it's fine for people to smell of smoke around you, it's okay, we can agree to disagree.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

It certainly is NOT okay for the baby, that is for sure!

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