

Hello, I work for the VA hospital in New Mexico. I am transferring to the VA hospital in Reno , Nevada. I was hired, then rescinded, then hired again within one month after I was adjudicated. So Reno HR told me to use annual leave to have time to start on 1/11/15 or if they couldn't get me in to start on 1/25/15 but had to be on leave without pay. I moved to Reno , where I live anyway. I was working at Albuquerque VA as a CNA for 6 months. after I got here Reno VA wanted a new 306,then they wanted me to change Vetpro and would start 1/25/15. the next day HR emailed and said they wouldn't have enough time to call the jobs on vet pro so start date is 2/8/15. I was told by union that they were supposed to have all this done before they offered me the job. now I am home and off work since about 1/2/15. last week HR said now they need a official college transcript . they have an unofficial one that is asked for on USA jobs. I just found out that I owe the college $2,000 and they wont give me a transcript until it is paid. well i'm off work now of course. if I would have known I would have kept my job until Reno got it all straight. with all this said, does anyone know if I can work without the transcript for a certain amount of time , is it up to Reno VA or do I just have to pay the money get the transcript and hope they don't ask for anything else. please let me know, thanks

Man, what a hot mess!! All this SHOULD have been done and cleared before you were even officially offered the job! It's one thing to say "hey, we all know you've got the job, but we have to finish everything up first to make it smooth"; it's quite another to say "hey, let's just go ahead and ask you to move several States away and see if any of it matches up in the end"!!

I don't know what recourse you have, other than to go through your union. I don't see how you can work if you don't meet the vetpro criteria yet (which is why I can't figure out how it got this far, this bad, this fast at all). Not sure how it was you didn't know you owed two grand to your college (!) but if you need the transcript, and that's their stipulation.....sorry, but so be it.

Meantime, make some noise, get busy on the phone, and make somebody get this thing done!

Thank you very much for responding . Ill get right on it

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