I have a certain insurance (I would say what it is on here, but I don't know if it is allowed) that really stinks. I was calling to see if my OB/GYN was in network. They told me if they were, it would be a specialist co-pay of $50. WHAT??? and OB/GYN is not a specialist. ANY health insurance I have ever had always excluded an OB/GYN form the specialist category. A woman MUST see their GYN. MUST. She went on to compare it to seeing a podiatrist! i wanted to jump into the phone and smack her silly.
No wonder why women are getting diagnosed with end-stage ovarian and cervical cancer.
This to me is completely discriminatory. Because I am a woman, I have to pay $20 more than a regular co-pay to get a regular check-up of something WOMEN MUST be checked for.
11 years ago I had a bout with precancerous lesions and had may appointments, procedures and the such. I wouldn't have been able to afford treatment and check-ups at 20 years old.