Published Sep 7, 2009
68 Posts
I just relocated from AZ to VA this summer and have been searching for nursing school options in the Hampton Roads area. I am graduating with a bachelor's degree in January so I have been looking at the ASBN program at VCU. I have a few questions thought:
Is anyone on here in the program who lives in the Hampton Roads area and commutes to Richmond?
Also, I am curious as to how they assess the pre-reqs since they don't have to be completed by the app deadline but by the enrollment time next May. I get that they would look at your bachelor GPA but what else is considered. I am always reading how it is so competitive and that people get in with pre-req GPA's of 4.0, etc but what about the people how are still completing their pre-reqs.
Any help would be great, I have been driving myself crazy with all the options!
UVA Grad Nursing
1,068 Posts
I would suggest asking the VCU admissions office your questions on the prerequisites. They hold information sessions (and a tour of their facilities) every Friday. I always encourage potential students do go right to the source to get admissions questions answered.
I would not be surprised if there are students commuting from HR to their program. I have a student commuting from Newport News to our Direct Entry MSN program in Charlottesville (and another commuting from Roanoke).
Thanks so much for the reply. I definitely plan on attending an info session soon. I just wanted to give it a shot on here but I totally agree with getting info from the source being my best bet. Thanks again!