VCU ABSN Summer 2014 Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Virginia


Hey everyone!

I'm semi new to this site and was curious if there is anyone else out there in the application process for VCU's accelerated BSN program to start in May 2014. I've started my application, but haven't turned it in, yet. This is the only program I want to go to! I don't know if I can wait until the end of January to get a decision!!!!

I finished my degree in Biology in May 2011 and I've been working in NOVA at a fast paced medical office ever since. Also, I've taken all of my pre-reqs except for A&P I and II (starting A&P I in a few weeks), but just a bit concerned about my grades/GPA from undergrad. I meet all of the requirements thus far, but not sure if it will be enough. Anyone else having similar concerns?

Also, would love to hear from any current VCU ABSN students - what were your stats like when applying, how do you like the program, etc.

I thought they said like 500 people apply.

Really? 500 apply to the ABSN program alone?

Really? 500 apply to the ABSN program alone?

When I went to the info session, I thought they said they get about 350 applicants for the accelerated program... and then maybe 200 ish of those are actually qualified applicants (have the required pre-reqs, etc). That was back in June of last year, so I could definitely be wrong.

Sooooo, not sure if this is good or bad or means nothing, but my "complete and ready for review" is now gone. I checked it over the weekend and it was still there... HMMMM...

I'm going to be optimistic and say this is a good thing since I believe most of those accepted no longer had that part on their vcu application summary page. Fingers crossed!

@alliegem Congrats!!! I was just stopping by to see if you had gotten in, you definitely deserve it, I wish you the best of luck this year :)

@alliegem Congrats!!! I was just stopping by to see if you had gotten in, you definitely deserve it, I wish you the best of luck this year :)

Thank you, thank you!!!! I'm so excited!!!

Have you heard back from anywhere else that you applied?

@alliegem You're going to kick butt at VCU! I submitted my application to Bon Secours about a month ago, but we still have two more weeks until they're due, and then six weeks of waiting after that! I should know by the end of April if I've been accepted. I had to take the TEAS V, which was interesting, so all you VCU students be happy you didn't have to deal with that!!

I'll continue to lurk here to keep up with y'all, and I'll post my status when I find out :)

I got an e-mail and I got in!!!!!!!!!!! MGOMGOMGOMGOMOMGOMGM (I hope you get in Allie!)

Hi Lexicon, if you don't mind me asking what was your pre-req GPA and the score of the entrance exam? I am also looking to apply and looking for some guidance, thanks. =-).

Does anyone know the chances of getting off the waiting list?

Just wanted to update all my friends on this thread who are going to be starting at VCU that I did not get accepted Bon Secours. The average GPA was 3.3 and average TEAS was 80%. Not sure why I wasn't accepted, but I'll now be applying to VCU again for next May and also J. Sarge and John Tyler for January.

I know you're all getting super excited about starting! Hoping to hear updates as you guys go through the program! Good luck :)

Oh, @Grace. I'm so sorry to hear that :( They definitely made a mistake with not accepting you. If you apply to VCU again, I'm sure you will make it. If they took me, they will have to take you, lol. Everything happens for a reason. Try and keep your chin up! In the mean time, you have the summer to beef up your resume! Take advantage of that :)

I'll keep ya updated as best I can! Thank you for the well wishes :)

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