VA Travel Nurse Corp

Specialties Government


Good evening all

I have done research into the VA travel nurse corp. It's a civilian branch of the VA and they are supposed to take experienced nurses in various specialities into their own version of a Travel Nurse Agency. The bonuses are 1. You would be working with our brave men and women who have served in the military, 2. Since the VA uses the same system everywhere, you basically only orient once and 3. There are openings of various time frames all over the country (world). You would receive a housing and meal allowance stipend as well as a salary.

My dilema is that I'm interested in becoming a travel nurse (since I can do an early retirement) and thought this would be a great way to get my feet wet. I am certified in psych/mental health and have worked for a government agency for over 22 years. I feel that I would be a good fit. I've applied twice in the past 18 months or so and they keep losing my paperwork. I am told by the nurse recruiter, to resubmit the paperwork. As you can imagine, the application process is pretty involved (which is fine) but is it "normal" to have the paperwork lost? :eek: I feel like the recruiter was rushed and told me she was really busy so her assistant would tell her when my application packet arrived. I mailed and faxed it both times. Should I apply again or forget it?

I have excellent evaluations, recommendations and background. It would seem that psych/mental health would be important. I've worked inpatient and outpatient with children and adults. Master Trainer for Prevention and Managment of Aggressive Behavior, BS degree, Certifications etc. I'm open to traveling to almost any area in the country.

Do any of you have experience with the VA Travel Nurse Corp? Are they really that disorganized? I know the Government is full of red tape and protocols so I was prepared for that but losing mulitple applications? :uhoh3: If they aren't interested in me, I don't think they'd have problems telling me that.

Any insight would be appreciated!! Thanks

When you submit an application to the VA if anything is left out or not submitted the application is automatically rejected. The actual interview person will never receive your application. Find out who will actually review your application before it will be sent to the person who will conduct the interview and talk to them to be notified of what you are omitting if anything.

Specializes in pacu.

Anyone know a good agency/recruiter that does government contracts?

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