VA Palo Alto Fall 2014

U.S.A. California


Just thought I would start a thread for those of us who applied to VA's new grad program that closed 8/6. We can keep each other updated. Good luck!

I also received the same email today "referral". Thanks jiacarin for clarifying, because like everyone else I was really confused. Thinking this is good news then!

I got both of the confusing emails the morning of my interview, which freaked me out because one said not referred:unsure:. I think they might just be explaining the status updates from the USAjobs website? I keep hearing that tomorrow (8/29) the managers will be making final calls/decisions, but also know there are more rounds of interviews happening next week on some floors. Good luck to everyone, hope good news is on the way!!

@Lahnson: Which unit did you interview for? Good luck and congrats on getting an interview!

I got the "referred" notice on Aug 27th. I did not get a phone call for an interview. For the people that got the "referred" notice, did you all get a phone call for an interview?

@Tulips_99: I got the referred email after my call for an interview

Congrats to

@Lahnson @


@Tulips_99, I received an email of referral on the 28th. I have not been contacted for an interview. So maybe some units are behind others? I applied for med/surg. Or maybe I was referred, but not selected for an interview? Guess we will see.

I was called on August 18th to set up an interview with the Community Living Center (long-term care) in Livermore. I selected aug 25th for my interview. But then I also received that confusing referred/not referred email on the 27th. I was really confused because I already had my interview. At the interview they told me they would be making final decisions at the end of the week, but I haven't heard back yet. Maybe they will get back to applicants after this 3-day weekend. I am being hopeful and thinking maybe some decision makers left early or something for the holiday weekend so they are holding off on getting back to us after this weekend? I'll keep everyone posted on what I hear.

Anyone happen to know when the start date is for the program and how orientation is structured for the 12-16 weeks?

Has anyone gotten an offer yet?

I had a second interview yesterday but haven't heard anything back. I was nervous and forgot to ask when and how they would be contacting people.

I got a tentative offer today guys! The person I interviewed with called me over the phone to give me the offer. I'm so excited! Sending good juju to the rest who are still waiting on any news!!

Congratulations @jiacarin!!!!!! What unit will you be working on?

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