UTHSCSA BSN Spring 2020 applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! Anyone else apply for the Spring 2020 entrance for UTHSCSA in San Antonio? Anyone else want to kill some time while we wait anxiously for answers?

I am PRAYING I get in this cycle, but if I don't, I am planning to apply for summer/accelerated admission (I have a BS already) before widening my search for schools. What about y'all?

Specializes in Inpatient Pharmacy, Emergency Room, Critical Care.

I applied to the Spring start! I know I'm late posting, but thought I'd mention it. Lol. Waiting anxiously to hear back!

I applied to the accelerated 2020 BSN and haven't heard anything back from the school yet. I am super anxious for their decision and have been refreshing my email every hour or so, lol.


I am applying for BSN program in 2021 and was wondering how many volunteering hours did you have when you applied? Does it has to be only in hospitals or other volunteering activities count as well?

Thank you.

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