UTA MSN in Nursing Administration

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I'm hopefully starting this MSN in Nursing Admin program at UTA next month and was hoping to talk to anyone that has completed the program or is currently in it in regards to work load and comparison to the RN to BSN program if any alumni are in the program. Thanks!

Hi! I'm in the program now. I'm on my 9th class. I started in May 2017 and expect to graduate either in December or next March. The program is incredibly time-consuming. I work Mon-Friday, so I dedicate every weekend to homework. If you want to complete it in the accelerated timeframe, expect to put the rest of your life on hold. As long as you follow the rubric and have correct APA, you'll get good grades.

Any advice for the class NURS 5342 Mangement of nursing operations.

I am in that class now...


I work for a tiny company so I was able to easily get Pro-forma information from my CFO. If you can reach out to anyone in your organization and get any type of Pro-forma, that will be super helpful to give you fiscal projections. Have someone who's good at excel make some graphs for your deck. Keep everything as simple as possible. 


I applied to UTA MSN administration program and wanted to know how it is going for you guys? Also, do you use excel in your classes?  Seems from studentbn's comment it is used. Wondering if I need to brush up on my Excel skills. Any advice? thanks!

almost done, in my last class, NURS 5340 Management Seminar. It's a lot of reading, writing papers, discussions etc..No free time. Study study and more studying. 

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