USI Fall 2016


Just checking to see if anyone else has applied to the MSN program at USI? Any news or updates?

I applied. No word yet!

Which track do you apply for?

I started their Program in August of 2014. They do not let you know who got accepted until sometime in March every year. Good Luck!

FNP. How about you?

Just received my acceptance letter from USI this morning!

Congrats! Which track? Did you receive it via email or US Postal Service mail?

Just received my acceptance email this morning for the FNP track! My friend who also applied didn't receive an email so she called. She was told all emails will be sent out by the end of next week for sure.

Congrats Talya! Thanks for the info

Did you receive a decision letter yet? Although they told my friend she would receive something by the end of the following week, she never did! Every time she calls they tell her "in a week". So frustrating!

I haven't. I assumed the time frame could be altered depending on the track. I applied for pmhnp. I keep wanting to call too but I'm sure they're working as quickly as they can.

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