USC Versant New Grad RN Residency Program, September 2024


Hey guys! I'm starting this thread for the September 2024 Cohort at USC Keck's Versant RN Residency Program. Hopefully we can update each other on application processes, interviews, and job offers!

Applications open up on June 3! Good luck to all of us (-:

Specializes in New Grad RN.
Cali4ever_MSN said:

Hi all! 

I am almost about to submit my application! How did y'all submit your documents. Resume as one file then cover letter, personal statement, transcripts and LORs merged in another file? Two files in total? The instructions were low key confusing 😂

I put my resume, cover letter, and personal statement in one attachment, and then I submitted everything else as individual attachments!

Does anyone know if we need our lisence at the time of the application or just by when the program starts?

Could anyone please point out where on the website it states that a cover letter, transcript, and LORs are required? 

guavaa said:

Could anyone please point out where on the website it states that a cover letter, transcript, and LORs are required? 

under their "how to apply" tab:

Is today the last day to apply?

guavaa said:

Is today the last day to apply?

that's what I thought but it says the job is no longer posted

Samantha Jovel said:

that's what I thought but it says the job is no longer posted 😞 It said until the 17th so I thought I had until today


guavaa said:

Is today the last day to apply?

nevermind! I checked again right now and it's open again!

on the "how to apply" page it says to only put the resume on the first screen for "quick apply" but it doesn't show me that on the first screen

Today is the last day to apply! 

Hi! Do any of you know if they're strict with having our LOR with our school letterhead? 

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