Published Sep 8, 2005
CraigB-RN, MSN, RN
1,224 Posts
Being 45 and a bit overweight, but still in the 26% range, I'm considering taking a commision in the USA reserve. I've got the Critical Care Experience and plan on using the educational benifits as well as the finishing my career as an officer (20+ years usaf enlisted) and trying to bump up my retirement. I'd like to know about basic officer traning. I"m not really looking forward to going through "basic Training" again. So those of you who have gone through it let me know so I can better make my disicsions. Having been a USAF recruiter I know better than to trust them completly.
34 Posts
US Army Reserve Officer Basic Course is a two week cours held in San Antonio, TX. I went to the Active Component OBC while I was on active duty and it was easy, yea I had to wake up seemed like every morning for PT but it was only 3 days a week at 0430 but I was at the bar by 1730 every day.
The Reserve component is two weeks, start early morning, done by 5pm, get your own room on the campus of Trinity University which is very nice btw. To put it in simpler terms it's a gentlmans course. So as a former AF guy, this will be like home, the OBC AC and OBC RC are the exact opposite of Airborne school, Air Assault School. How do I know cause I've been to them. would have to say the OBC AC is maybe a bit more difficult b/c you have to write papers, acutally pass the test and is longer. And with Both OBC courses you have to go to the field by its really easy, nothing to compare say to the Infantry OBC field exercises.
here is a link for the school house:
Thanks for the info. My biggest fear is the PFT and only having two weeks to so what the AC have 14 weeks to do. I'm starting now so I'll be ready but it's still a fear.
Corvette Guy
1,505 Posts
The AMEDD RC OBC was a cake walk, IMHO, and I'm 44 years old. However, I'm prior service USMC, enlisted active duty USMC 1980-1988. Actually, I really enjoyed my OBC back in Jan '05. IMHO, 2 weeks is not long enough for OBC, even in the USAR. Anyway, thought I'd share some Pics with you of my Jan '05 OBC RC experience;
I was a Squad Leader [3rd Squad on 1st PLT] and enjoyed helping my fellow classmates, especially those w/o prior service. Here is a Pic of 1stPLT Leader & the four Squad Leaders.
The entire 1st PLT
Classroom time, before everybody had there BDUs. BTW, I already had a complete set of BDUs since I'd been with my Unit for almost 12 months.
Home at FTX...
Here is a Pic of me & my wife, along with my son & his GF, taken after OBC graduation.
For more Pics of my OBC
- Cary James Barrett, 1LT AN
Thanks for the pics. :) I grad from basic training 30 years ago, and I've been out of the pic for the past 3 years. I'm looking forward to as much as I fear it.
I'm not sure what you mean by, "...out of the pic for the past 3 years"? Anyway, why all the fear? The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. Seriously, AMEDD RC OBC is absolutely nothing similar to the basic training you had 30 yrs ago [ geez, you must be an old fart :wink2:].
122 Posts
Good picture, it remind me when i was in Philippine 1987-89 while working in Clark Air Base, Angeles City, The best US Air Base in Far East Asia. Boy, I surely miss those days having been raise in that military environment and my dad working in Clark Air Base as a driver, i wish the bases will come back again, Everyday is Liberty and only Service man can do that..... Cary, is your wife a filipina?.
Cary,Good picture, it remind me when i was in Philippine 1987-89 while working in Clark Air Base, Angeles City, The best US Air Base in Far East Asia. Boy, I surely miss those days having been raise in that military environment and my dad working in Clark Air Base as a driver, i wish the bases will come back again, Everyday is Liberty and only Service man can do that..... Cary, is your wife a filipina?. Nat
No, my wife is not from the Philipines. She was born in Hong Kong, and at the age of 2 her & her family moved to USA [thus, she is Chinese-American]. BTW, she has been an RN [w/focus on Telemetry & ER] for almost 15 years.
I've been inactive for the past 3 years. Took a job that was 8 hours from the nearest reserve unit so I went inactive. Now i'ts hurry up so I don't loose any retirement.
45 Posts
Have you contacted the recruiter in your area? Call your area is in my brigade but not my area I am in STL. I can put you in contact with the recruiter. Call me 877-573-9205. SSG Hayes
ALready talked to her. WE've got a day set up next month to meet. Thanks.