Published Sep 1, 2005
moni rn
297 Posts
i received this from tna (tennessee nurses association).
urgent need for nurses in mississippi due to hurricane katrina
there is an urgent need for nurses in mississippi due to the devastation caused by hurricane katrina. hospitals across south ms have critical shortages of water, supplies, and fuel. the situation is pretty unbelievable. all of the facilities on the gulf coast (approximately 12 facilities) have limited capabilities and critical staffing needs. the southern half of the state is essentially without clean water and little power.
they have a critical need for dialysis nurses in particular. mississippi has the highest rate of end stage renal disease in the u.s. so you can imagine the challenges they have in meeting renal dialysis needs. *
nurses in tennessee are able to come to ms via the national compact for licensure. please send out an urgent message to your nurses to request their assistance in responding to this disaster.
ideally, if you could organize nurses into teams (approximately 6 to 8 members to a team that could be deployed to a hospital together) and then contact either the mississippi board of nursing or the mississippi hospital association at the emergency operations center they will arrange the deployment and take care of the details. the board of nursing office in jackson has no power today.*the executive director is delia owens and she can be contacted at the following numbers: (cell) 601-497-8002; (home) 601-898-3558; e-mail [email protected] - as soon as power is restored to the mbn office, the contact phone number will be*(601) 987-4188. contact information for the mississippi hospital association- please email marcella mckay at [email protected] or call her directly at (cell) 601-953-0358 (land line at eoc) 601-576-8161.
please feel free to contact me directly if you have any further questions at (585)752-2558.
thank you for your help.
tener goodwin veenema phd, mph, ms, cpnp
associate professor of nursing & emergency medicine
university of rochester medical center
rochester, new york 14642
vice president and chief nursing officer
strategic initiatives & emergency preparedness
logical images, inc.
3445 winton place, suite 240
rochester, new york 14623
phone (585) 427-2790 ext.109/fax (585) 273-8227
cellular (585)752-2558
email [email protected]
cheri m. glass************************
managing editor, tennessee nurse
communications coordinator
tennessee nurses association
545 mainstream drive, ste. 405
nashville, tn 37228-1296
email: [email protected]
phone: 615/254-0350
fax: 615/254-0303
"have you invited someone to join tna today?" visit for an online application and member benefits.
mark your calendar!
tna 100th anniversary celebration*& annual* convention
october 21-23, 2005
the memphis peabody*hotel