UNSAFE healthcare

Nurses General Nursing



I have started a PETITION that I hope will help in changing healthcare delivery. If you sign my petition PLEASE REPLY to this post so that it will stay near the top and people will read it and maybe also sign the petition.

I live in a right to work state, so can be fired without cause. Needless to say, I have not included my name and my state is erroneous. I hope that I can help insure better care, if only just a little.

Any help in promoting this would be most appreciated, as well as anyone or any organization that you could PASS IT ON to.

The petition reads:

UNSAFE Healthcare

Our Nations hospitals and Extended Care facilities are being understaffed. Critical care nurses are now taking care of 3-4 patients instead of 1-2. Transitional care/Stepdown care nurses are now caring for 5-6 patients instead of 3-4 patients. Medical/surgical nurses are now taking care of 10-12 patients instead of 5-6 patients, and Extended care facility nurses are now taking care of 30-50 patients at the same time. Many of the Nurses are being mandated to work overtime. Sometimes 16 hour shifts and up to 60 hours per week without lunches or breaks, as there is no one to care for their patients while they are away. Unlicensed, uneducated workers are being trained in 6 weeks or less to take care of patients. We must MANDATE the facility administrators to provide safe Licensed Nurse to patient ratios in health care facilities. Mistakes are being made, lives are being lost, all in the name of making money.

Click here to sign this petition: http://www.e-thepeople.com/affiliates/national/index.cfm?PC=PETFV1&PETID=360310

[This message has been edited by Anonymous Registered Nurs (edited April 11, 2000).]


I am not providing hands on care at this time, but I have been the recipient of mediocre nursing care in the last 5 years. I have contacted my representative over the years regarding various issues that affect nurses and health care consumers and have received only pat responses. I think the lack of overwhelming response to this post is reflective of the low number of nurses that are members of local, state, and or national nursing associations. The concern and frustration seems to be there but not the commitment. There are so many distractions today, and times are changing so quickly, that nurses are hard pressed to find the time to focus on matters that have the most impact. What will happen when we ourselves become in constant need of good quality health care? Best wishes in your endeavor.

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