University of Rochester Accelerated BSN Fall 2016


Hi everyone I recently applied to University of Rochester's accelerated nursing program with a start date in the Fall of this year and am wondering if anyone else is interested in going there or knows any information about the program


I applied for Fall 2016 as well. I just checked the application and they have received all of my documents and whatnot. I am already so anxious and nervous!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I am anxious and nervous as well! According to some posts from last year, students didn't hear any decisions until week one of June. Have you scheduled an interview yet?

hey anvalent! I too started a thread just to come across this one almost immediately! Any who, where are you applying from? and have you heard any news? My interview was on March 17, however I haven't heard any updates.

I haven't heard back from UR but I got accepted to NYU and have accepted their offer :) good luck everyone!

No decisions will be sent out until the second week of June, unfortunately. Stay patient, and good luck everyone!

Can someone please give us any feed back about the program ? What do you think of the program for those that are already in or did ?

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