University of Arizona DNP-NA 2023

Nursing Students SRNA


Hey everyone!

Who all is applying to University of Arizona DNP CRNA this cycle? I'm getting so excited!

Specializes in CVICU.
37 minutes ago, MGarcia34 said:

Has anyone heard anything or received any new emails? 

Not yet

On 10/5/2022 at 12:38 PM, MGarcia34 said:

I noticed that too! I would assume only one interview per hour, which would only leave 7 spots. Even at each half hour (with no lunch break) would only be 14 spots which doesn’t seem like a lot. But those would be super short interviews and a very tight schedule. 

What if it was two interviews an hour per room and six interview rooms working in parallel?

Specializes in ICU/Neuro ICU/L&D.

I never even considered multiple interviews happening in different rooms ??‍♀️ that makes much more sense!

Specializes in CVICU RN.

Anyone heard anything since the further review email yet? It's nerve wracking thats the interview date is so close but they haven't sent out anything yet. Made me paranoid wondering if Im getting an interview invite or already rejected ?

Specializes in ICU/Neuro ICU/L&D.

I haven’t heard anything yet either. Based on the last email, the earliest that notification emails would be sent out would be this week. I’m anxiously awaiting. It doesn’t leave much time to prepare for the interview if we are selected. 

Application review is finishing up this week.  Won’t be too much longer.

Specializes in ICU/Neuro ICU/L&D.

Good Morning, anyone hear anything so far?

I feel like I’m checking my emails incessantly!

Specializes in Medical, Surgical, Neurosurgical, Cardiovascular.

From what the NursingCAS site says they will be on that day and be 'synchronous and virtual' which I'm not entirely sure if it means we will actively be answering questions competing for a spot or if like mentioned above they will be at the same time but different virtual rooms. I'm also anxiously waiting for a decision email. Good luck everyone. If anyone does get a response please inform the rest of us.... 

Received my interview notification today! Its for Nov 9th, virtual.

Specializes in CVICU.

Received my invitation to interview too!

Got an interview invitation this morning! Does anyone know if it's going to be personality or knowledge based? Twenty minutes to decide our fate is so scary. 

Specializes in ICU.

I was invited to Interview but will be declining since I accepted somewhere else.

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