Published Mar 25, 2023
1 Post
Hello, has anyone had personal experience with taking the route of 30-unit RN? If so, were there any issues? Any trouble acquiring work out of state? My school closed and the BON does not have my transcripts. I feel this may be my only option given the circumstances. ?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,997 Posts
You will be limited almost exclusively to CA with this option. If you look at requirements for licensure for most states, it will say "completion of an approved RN program" or something similar. You wouldn't meet the requirements to be eligible for endorsement.
26 Posts
Apply and you can be licensed as an RN. Go back and do the schooling if u decide to go further, otherwise why miss an opportunity to make more money? Doesn't hurt to try. My friend applied and is awaiting response
6 Posts
I am also interested in a LVN to RN 30 unit option
I need to finish 2 classes: Phisio and Micro and then can apply. Anyone have any recommendations?