Unique Cna

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a fairly new RN at a hospital and recently I've had to work with a male Cna who is also new. After working with him for I've noticed one thing. He has a massive insecurity complex about his position. I don't understand because he's a year into his program and extremely intelligent. He actually knows more at the level he's at then some of the actual nurses and I'm not sure how. Is there anyway to get this chip off his shoulder? I hear him tell pts all the time when they ask if he's their nurse "no I'm just an aide". Sometimes " nope..I'm just a lowly aide" .

is this normal?

I don't find this concerning at all. I don't think this CNA has insecurity problems. In fact, I think he relishes being in the trenches and learning the nitty gritty of nursing from the bottom up. I'm a CNA and looking forward to becoming an RN. This is a second career for me too. In my previous career I started low and learned my way up. I encountered many who were hired/promoted beyond their experience and eventually had to inform them their lofty credentials and their degree from I'm Better Than You U didn't mean squat. As a CNA I've been asked by patients if I'm a nurse or even a doctor to which I happily respond, "Nope, I'm just a CNA here to help you with..." There's no insecurity. I'm starting a new career at the bottom, learning a ton, (and not just nursing but a lot about myself I never really knew) and enjoying every minute of it. I've also learned I set high expectations for myself and get frustrated when I don't meet them. I'm not sure how others view that. I think this CNA has an amazing future.

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