Published Dec 9, 2013
62 Posts
Hi guys! I'm planning on applying for my undergrad in ON and im looking to stay in Toronto or Hamilton. Question, can someone explain to me why some schools have their program lengths as 2 sems? Does that mean after every 2nd semester i will have to apply for another 2 sems which comes out to 2nd year and so it goes on until i reach my 3rd year? Please advise! Thank you :)
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Undergrad for what? What programs are you seeing that are two semesters? You need to give us more details.Are you planning on applying to nursing? You don't need an undergad for that.
Undergrad for nursing. I am currently an LPN/RPN The program nursing bridging on OCAS shows that the length of the program is 2 semesters just like seneca college. Any one knows why? And how that works?
If you are an RPN you ARE a nurse.What you are applying to is not an undergrad program. You are applying to a bridging program.The first portion of the bridge is 2 semesters.The rest is 2 years after that.You will not have to keep on applying but you will only move on if you pass.