Published Aug 30, 2013
bluegeegoo2, LPN
753 Posts
Today is my last day as a Charge Nurse. My final 2-10 shift. My last day at a good facility. My last day of not having to take call, at least for the foreseeable future. I have accepted a position as ADON in another facility, and I start on the 3rd. I have worked for the new facility before, and it is a decent facility as well. However, the closer the time comes to end my reign at my current facility and start at the new one, the higher my anxiety levels go. I'm almost in a panic. What have I done? Was this a good idea? What was I thinking? What if...?
I have no experience in LTC management, save for the "managing" that I did as a MDS nurse. Yes, I can write a mean in-service on proper ADL coding and MCR/MCD charting, but can I manage? I have plenty of experience in LTC, including geri-psych, Skilled, Alzheimer's/dementia units, have worked all 3 shifts, been weekend unit manager and, as mentioned above, MDS and all that goes with it. BUT CAN I MANAGE? I fully understand that I will be trained in this role and will be under the guidance and direction of my DON, but I am a little frightened. I have not been tested in a management role before, and the fear of the unknown is quite intimidating for me.
I know that if this doesn't work out, that I can (hopefully) go right back to the floor somewhere, no worse for the wear, and maybe a little wiser.
I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's truly the fear of the unknown or the fear of failure that is driving my anxiety, but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Thanks for letting me put this out there.